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Introducing Ron Oliver Artist


About Ron Oliver

Ron Oliver has been painting in different paint mediums for about 30 years.  He first developed his interest in watercolours as a medium whilst living in the UK in the 90s. However, following participating in a workshop led by a well-known English pastelist, Jane Lampard, he developed a great interest in working with soft pastels.  After emigrating to New Zealand in 1999, he joined the Pastel Arts of New Zealand and has subsequently entered works in many local and national exhibitions and has been commended for his work. More recently Ron has returned to his passion for watercolour painting - a medium that he finds very challenging but satisfying. In exploring this medium further he has focused on using vibrant & clean colours in a variety of animal and landscape images. Ron hopes you will enjoy browsing through this website and seeing some of his latest works - some of which are available to purchase. He can be contacted at +64210395260 for further information & to purchase his works.


Ron Oliver

Tasman, New Zealand


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